Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Candy Man: A Short Short Story

            He reached his hand to the bottom of the giant bag of Nerds, Gobstoppers, Butterfingers, and Crunch bars and wondered how it had been depleted so quickly. The bag proudly boasted that it contained over 350 pieces of candy.  He immediately realized he was asking questions he did not want the answer to.
            Who am I? Some old sage, he thought.
            He dug at the bottom of the bag, hoping for a Butterfinger, but he knew that he would not find his El Dorado. His city of gold had vanished days ago.
            He settled on a box of strawberry-flavored Nerds and two small packages of Gobstoppers when his fingers brushed an unknown object.
            Unknown, but the texture was familiar. He could feel smooth ridges and knew that he felt the crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery texture of a Butterfinger.
            He pulled the unwrapped bitesize chocolate bar out of the bag and quickly examined it. It was small, even for a bitesize candy and slightly deformed. But still looked delicious.
            No one’s going to know if you eat that chocolate bar, a voice spoke at the back of his mind, and why shouldn’t you. You work hard so why shouldn’t you get to have this candy.
            “I’d know,” he said.
            But it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done something like this, the voice replied.
            He shrugged in admittance.
            Remember that time you dropped that meatball? The voice reminded.
            “That was different.”
            It wasn’t all that different, the voice said.
            “It was different,” he said. “It was the last meatball.”
            I remember it having a dog hair on it, the voice said.
            “Yeah, no need to remind me,” he said, shame hanging in his voice. “I remember that.”
            He stood for a moment. Dropped the piece back the bottom of the bag and walked away. 

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